The first few weeks with your new baby can be a blur of confusion, feeding, and dirty nappies, so it can be helpful to be prepared and have a plan. When bringing a newborn home from hospital, pay attention to your doctor’s and midwife’s discharge instructions and if you’re feeling uncertain about anything for the days ahead, let your medical team know. We highlight expert tips below on what you might like to consider before leaving hospital.
How long after a baby is born can you leave the hospital?
The length of time you are required to stay in the hospital after the birth of your baby depends on the type of birth you have and the stage of gestation your baby reaches before birth. If you have a straightforward vaginal birth with few complications and mother and baby are doing well you may be permitted to leave the hospital within as little as 4-6 hours although most women stay in hospital for 1-2 days.
When bringing a newborn home after a cesarean section, the average post-birth hospital stay is 3-4 days. If your baby is born pre-term, a longer stay in hospital may be required depending on the circumstances.
What should you talk to the midwife about before leaving the hospital?
Before bringing your newborn home, take the opportunity to allay some of your fears or uncertainties by asking the expert medical staff on hand. Whether it’s advice about feeding, bathing, holding your baby, or just some moral support and encouragement you need, you can get most if not all of this from the medical team.
Given that there will likely be a lot of emotion and things to remember, consider making a list of questions you might have before being discharged. You could ask questions or advice on topics such as:
- Breastfeeding/bottle-feeding positions
- Recognising when a baby has had enough/not enough milk
- How to express breast milk
- How to sterilise and make up bottles safely
- Changing nappies
- Bathing your baby
- Settling your baby
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Postnatal depression
- Taking care of yourself
- Who to call when you need help
- Support services close to home
- Home visits by the midwife
- Contraception
- Registering your baby’s birth with the relevant state authorities
What should you take from the hospital when bringing your baby home?
When bringing a baby home from hospital in Australia, you will be given a personal health record book for your child. This is an essential record, capturing your baby’s milestones, statistics, immunisations, and medical records. It also contains helpful information and advice for new parents.
Before leaving hospital after being officially discharged:
- Check that your baby has had all required immunisations
- Ensure you have a discharge summary and baby’s weight has been checked and recorded
- Ensure you are aware of any follow-up plans such as midwife visits or required checkups
- Make sure you have any medications that your baby may have been prescribed